
Jumat, 24 Maret 2017

Story Rapunzel


Some time ago, there were a couples why should energetic have a youngster. They were Feeling pitiful and forlorn which secured all the time they have. Be that as it may, sometime in the not so distant future, shockingly, the wife had a sign which demonstrated her was in pregnant. They were so extremely cheerful about it. They bounce and say yes.Be that as it may, the delight they have did not run long. The wife fell sick. The spouse additionally confounded in light of the fact that there was no cure or recuperate that can help her. Be that as it may, abruptly there was an old lady who recommended taking rampion bloom that just developed in the slopes. The spouse likewise went to take rampion blooms to be utilized to cure his wife. Turns out of the spot where the blooms developed was an area of an insidious wizard sat tight. The spouse had not have another alternative, in the event that he didn’t get it, his wife would bite the dust. He at long last dared to take the rampion bloom. Be that as it may, lamentably his endeavors fizzled, the fiendishness which kept the rampion blossom found him taking blooms in the greenery enclosure.

“How could you are taking blooms in the garden!!!” Said the wizard’s fury.
“If it’s not too much trouble forget me. My wife is pregnant and now she is sick. The main drug that can help curing her is Only rampion blossom.” The spouse argued
“Hahahahahha … Hahahahah … Hahahahah … ” all of a sudden the witch snicker.
“You may bring rampion blooms from my patio nursery as much as you need. What’s more, I likewise pardon your follows up on this. Be that as it may, on one condition. You need to give the youngster that would be destined to me. Furthermore, Do not stress, I will regard the kid as a kid as my own “said the wizard.
The spouse additionally confounded. In the long run he decided to favor the necessity for security’s wife, herself and the kids were later conceived. What’s more, when the infant is conceived, the witch showed up and gave the child’s name was Rapunzel and lift it up from the arms of their guardians.

Kalimat Aktif dan pasif dalam Simple Present

Nah, kalimat aktif itu sendiri merupakan kalimat yang subjeknya melakukan suatu tindakan, sedangkan kalimat pasi fmenyatakan objeknya dikenai suatu tindakan dan pelakunya tidak begitu dipentingkan untuk diketahui.

Rumusan kalimat simple present tense aktif:
the course
many times
Untuk rumusan simple present tense pasif:
to be
Participated (V-3)
Those meals
by her
Ingat selalu gunakan participated atau V-3 setelah to be!
Contoh kalimat present tense aktif:

Pengertian Procedure Text

A. Pengertian Procedure Text

Sebelum menjelaskan tentang generic structure, ciri-ciri procedure text dan contohnya, saya akan memulai penjelasan ini mendefinisikan pengertian procedure text baik dalam bahasa Inggris maupun dalam bahasa Indonesia. “Procedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps”. Jadi yang dimaksud dengan procedure text adalah sebuah genre of text yang berfungsi untuk menggambarkan bagaimana sesuatu dilakukan atau dicapai melalui urutan tindakan atau langkah yang benar.

Passive Voice

Cara membuat bebrapa contoh kalimat pasif bahasa Inggris ini sebenarnya gampang sekali. Kita tinggal merubah Object menjadi Subject dan yang aslinya Subject dipindah menjadi object. Penyesuaian Verb (kata kerja) mengikuti tenses yang digunakan dan berpatokan pada aturan TOBE + V3. Karena kalimat pasif berikut khusus memakai SImple past Tense dan Simple Future Tense, maka rumus cara penulisannya sebagai beriktu
S + will + Be + V3 + By + O
The topic will be discussed by the team
S + Tobe (was/were) + V3 + By + O
A song was recorde by John
Untuk pembahasan rumus passive voice dalam 16 tenses yang lain lihat artikel berikut!
Nah agar lebih jelas bagaimana rumus kalimat pasif diatas dirankaikan, kita lihat penggunaannya pada 20 contoh kaimat pasif dengan Simple Future Tense dan Simple Past Tense berikut!
1. The show will be directed by Ben.
     Show nya akan disutradari oleh Ben
2. The songs will be composed and sung by Alison Watts.
     Lagunya akan ditulis dan dinyakina oleh Alison Watts

Procedure Text (How To Make An Omelete anda A Pencil Box)

  1. Two eggs
  2. Onions
  3. Garlics
  4. Chilli (if you like spicy)
  5. Salt
  6. Vegetable oil
  1. Firstly, cut into pieces the garlic, onions, and chilli
  2. Second, break the egg into a bowl
  3. Third, put the garlics, onions, chilli, and salt into the bowl
  4. Then, mix them gradually
  5. The next step, heat a frying pan
  6. After that, pour the dough into the frying pan, wait until it looks yellowish
  7. Next, lift using spatula and put it in a plate
  8. Finally, omellete is ready to serve

Cara Menambah Kosa Kata


Berikut adalah 8 cara memperbanyak kosakata bahasa Inggris, yaitu:
1. Suka akan Bahasa Inggris
    Jika ingin memperbanyak bahasa Inggris pertama-tama adalah menyukai bahasa Inggris tersebut.
2. Baca dan baca. Baik baca artikel ataupun membaca buku yang tentunya berbahasa Inggris.
3. Sebutkan kata kata yang sulit anda ingat berulang ulang dan bayangkanlah bentuk dari benda               tersebut, maka akan lebih mudah mengingatnya.
4. Gunakan kata-kata bahasa Inggris ketika berbicara dengan teman yang juga sedang meningkatkan     bahasa Inggrisnya atau ketika sedang menulis surat dan email. Menggunakan kosakata baru tidak       hanya menyenangkan, tapi juga cara terbaik untuk mengingat semua kosakata baru anda.                     Setidaknya cobalah gunakan tiga kosakata baru setiap hari ketika berkomunikasi dengan orang lain.
5. Cara menghafalkan sedikit-sedikit ataupun membuat catatan kecil dan ditempel di dinding kamar            Anda. Bisa mulai menghafal kosa kata bahasa inggris 5/10 kosa kata per hari.



English Speech Contest

For all students of SMAN Englishindo, we announce English Speech Contest..

Time : Saturday, 22 March 2012
Place : Hall of SMAN Englishindo

Each class should register at least one student with one of these following topics :

  • The Advantage of Learning English
  • The Difficulties of Learning English
  • The Effective Ways of Learning English
For further information, visit the committee of this English Speech Contest in ENGLISHINDO.COM